April 11, 2005

trade justice

A garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh. As far as the reports go, at least 17 have been killed and over 200 are buried in the rubble. Such a tragedy!

It's a terrible welcome to the Global Week of Action, a week where networks, organisations, and campaigns get together in joint action to challenge the injustices of free trade. This Friday in London, there will be a Wake Up to Trade Justice Vigil in Whitehall, which crazily enough my flatmates and I are planning to go to. It starts at 10PM at Westminster Abbey and continues on to Parliament Square. A number of different venues will offer a variety of events during the night into the early morning - everything from films, to food, to puppet making and to writing your own protest songs!

So, why am I going? I'm not one to carry placards or to chant protest songs on the streets but I do know that everyone deserves to live fairly. Over 2.8 billion (nearly half of the world's population) live on less than US$2 a day and free trade is only aggravating the problem of poverty. I am compelled by the stories of child soldiers, trafficked women, and factory workers. I remember that I am called to administer true justice, to show mercy and compassion, to defend the orphan, widow and the poor, and to speak for those who have no voice.

So if you're in London this Friday, drop me a line and maybe I'll see you in Westminster Abbey.

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