July 11, 2005


Today marks the 10th yr of the massacre in Srebrenica, another bitter example of the failure of international peacekeeping efforts. 610 bodies of the 8000 vicitims were exhumed, identified and buried today - 10 years later.

I hate to think that this blog is about the doom and gloom in the world but I do want to recognise quite a significant part in this growing international history and I want to echo Islamic leader Mustafa Ceric, "May grief become hope. May revenge become justice. May mothers' tears become prayers that Srebrenica never happens again."

Together with the recent bombings in London, I am ever more determined to go into the field of peace studies and conflict resolution. Except I can't guarantee that I will be supporting the right policies or that I will be making helpful decisions. I can only guarantee that I want to see this change. I want different outcomes, I want people's lives to be safe and I will study my damn hardest to make sure I know what I'm doing.

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