December 01, 2005

UN Habitat Jam

Got this on email. Looks interesting. Being involved does not have to mean placards...

Habitat JAM -- Dec. 1-3

More than 100,000 people around the globe are expected to participate in this 72-hour online global discussion about urban sustainability -- that will lay the groundwork for the World Urban Forum in Vancouver next June.

The Habitat JAM discussion will have six topics:
- Improving the lives of slum dwellers.
- Sustainable access to water.
- Environmental sustainability.
- Safety and security.
- Finance and governance.
- Humanity: The Future of our Cities.

During the three day on-line discussion, you can communicate with over 70 distinguished guests, such as:

* an awarding winning visionary and green architect, whose theories are being built on the ground in 'New Cities' in China
* the remarkable woman who heads London's envi! ronmental initiatives as Deputy Mayor of London
* the Indian head of the world's biggest slum dwellers' activist group
* the scientist in charge of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
* the head of the world's biggest and most influential environmental organization
* authors of groundbreaking books
* the President of Canada's aid agency
* the President of the African Development Bank

William McDonough, Nicky Gavron, Jockin Arputham, Dr. Rajendra Patchauri, Achim Steiner, Janine Benyus, Robert Greenhill and Dr. Donald Kaberuka are just a few of the notable participants joining the tens of thousands of citizens and experts in the JAM.

Share your ideas on the future of cities. Everyone is welcome to sign up for free at

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