March 10, 2007

let's talk about sex!

'This suggests, then, that the primary criterion for a Christian sexual theology is not procreation but rather faithfulness and commitment. This is the supreme message of the life of Jesus and ought to be the principal standard for Christian sexual ethics – not sexual orientation, not propagation, nor even marriage.'

Interesting article from the Globe and Mail. I was pleased to read Bishop Michael Ingham's article on sexuality and the church. I realise that some have already been talking about faith in relation to homosexuality, marriage, non-marriage relationships...but on the whole these dialogues occur on the fringes. I grew up within mainstream Christian circles where issues of sexuality are easy to assess: Marriage - good if between a man and a woman; pre-marital sex - SIN; homosexuality - SIIIIINNN; and homosexual marriage - ABSOLUTE NO. When I would learned about it, it was usually to justify these beliefs than to truly question some of the fundamental assertions here. Is there still something here to question?

I certainly think so and I do not believe these are givens, no matter what Dr James Dobson of Focus on the Family says. I do question these taken for granted attitudes because I don't think a christian response to issues of sexuality are as clear and straightforward as I often heard it to be. Questions like 'what is marriage?' are overlooked because it's such a pervasive belief that the ceremony is the defining point of marriage, hence the point where man and wife can share a bed. I don't assume that there is a monolithic christian culture but I do think some of the 'truths' that are supposedly fundamental for some to the christian faith need to be reassessed. Some of the dialogues and debates that is already happening amongst some christian thinkers needs to be brought to the wider body of believers to spark conversations on theology that have such lasting impressions on society and culture in general.

1 comment:

raymondw91 said...

hi ang!

just wanted to say hello. how are you doing?

i'm saying hello from snowy new jersey! what else is new??
