April 16, 2006

happy easter

Today has been a glorious day in Bradford. It's the third sunny day of the year, which in itself is something to celebrate already. But it's also easter sunday.

I have been quite preoccupied lately with the work I need to get done for the semester so I have been doing too little thinking about other things. But this easter has been good. I enjoy easter because it gives me a chance to reflect on my faith. I admit to not having really observed Lent this year and I reflected much more briefly than I would have liked, but it was a worthy reflection nonetheless, and one that lifted my spirit.

I like Good Friday and Saturday because it provides this necessary space in my faith for uncertainty, doubt, disillusionment and maybe expectation. On that day Jesus died, I wonder what went through the minds of his followers. I wonder how they felt on Saturday. I imagine they felt lost, unsure, doubtful and depressed even. They didn't know Sunday would bring such news. I appreciate that because too often I anticipate Sunday because as someone in the 21st century, I know the story well. I often fail to stop, wait and wonder. Because in that lowest moment in Saturday, when God seems to have disappeared, that time is still divine time.

And yes, Sunday comes and it's ever sweeter when I've acknowledged the loss and found the resurrection.

Happy easter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.