March 04, 2005

Cyber lingo

As proud as I am to have started something so technical as a blog (I know that sounds a little pathetic, what can I do, I'm a little bit of a technophobe) I realise that I am also somewhat behind with the lingo of the techno-times. Thanks to today's Canadian Globe & Mail I might be as good with my techie lingo as I am with my hip hop.

Being dooced: "In the strange world of urban slang, being dooced means losing your job for something you wrote on your blog or website," says Britain's Independent newspaper.

Cyberbangers: "As authorities crack down on gang activity on the streets," reports The San Jose (Calif.) Mercury News, "self-proclaimed gangsters are going on-line, turning portions of websites . . . into virtual turfs where rivals exchange threats and 'throw up' their numbers and neighbourhood names under the anonymity of the Internet."

Facebooking: On many North American campuses, says The Kansas City Star, "facebook" is now a verb, as in "I facebooked you last night." It's not an insult. Students post their profiles and photos on the website, then choose the amount of access they want to give other students. It was created by Harvard students at first. Students need an ".edu" e-mail address at a Facebook-admitted college to register.

Modders: Computer "modifiers," who enjoy revving up a PC's performance and dressing up computer cases much as an auto enthusiast would customize a car.

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