April 09, 2005

highs and lows

I'm so pleased it's the weekend. I don't think I've ever had a week at work where everything was just about wearing my patience as thin as it was yesterday. So, to celebrate my Friday night, I came home, ate sushi with Nicky (my flatmate) and decided that it was time for bed by about 6:30pm. Sad I know.

I managed to catch a little bit of the pope's funeral yesterday which was quite moving. There are few people whose life and death have brought together people from all over the world. It was somewhat a sombre celebration of the life of a man who shaped an aspect of church and faith, brought together the world's youth and challenged existing social institutions.

Well, his funeral was reason enough to move the royal wedding a day later. So, on this glorious Saturday afternoon, I confess that I'll want to turn attention (just slightly) to watch British reporters' cover Charles and Camilla's wedding. In the many years I've been alive, I haven't seen a pope's funeral or a royal wedding of sorts (that I could remember). In case I ever attempt to take the moral high ground, remind me that I was interested in watching the Charles and Camilla wedding.

Speaking of how old I am, I have also been told this week that I remind someone of his grandparents. Don't know if it's because I've started commenting on the morality of TV shows or the way the young ones dress nowadays (or being in bed by 6:30!) but I seem to have aged very quickly.


raymondw91 said...

yay! I'm on your blogpage.
just wanted to leave you a note here. be encouraged my sis!

Anonymous said...

Mi Abuela!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ang...reality is that our youth is fleeting, and our cells are degenerating as we speak. It's a downwared spiral from here...we're no spring chicken anymore. Seize the moment....as one wise fridge magent once said...Dance like there's no one watching.

Haha, just kidding Aunty Marv (

angela said...

how wise sakura. thanks for the fridge magnet saying. and stop harrassing my mom.

and david, hijo, enjoy your youth. i remember when i was your age...

ray, welcome. talk soon.
