May 29, 2006

in kosovo...finally

After several months anticipating this trip, I'm finally here! I'm here with 11 other colleagues (well, 10 - one was stuck in London and will be arriving today). We're here on a self-organised study group. Today we met with a law professor and discussed issues of human rights, then met with Kosovo's leading independent newspaper, then met with the Minister of Justice. All in all, a pretty eventful morning.

We arrived last night and after the taxi driver took us for a ride, literally and figuratively, we found the guesthouse we are staying in. In what is described as true Balkan style, we were all confused by the arrangements, which took just a little over two quite pleasant hours to figure out. At around 11:30pm, we were finally ready to go look for dinner, which we found an hour later.

The rest of the time here is spent meeting with different organisations and visiting different sites. After this time in Kosovo, I'll be visiting Macedonia for a day and Bulgaria for another three days. Then it's dissertation time after that.


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.