October 19, 2005

bring on the canadian reports...though not always good

Two articles today caught my attention. The first, and more positive one is from Canada's Globe and Mail, describing how the world has less violence now. Interestingly, the UK since after the second world war has been involved in the highest number of armed conflicts (21), with Canada, coming in with a 5. Read the newspaper article here. But if you're interested in reading the full report, you could find it here. The report is published by the Liu Institute for Global Issues in the very beautiful Vancouver, BC. I want to make it noted though that I haven't read the entire report yet and my initial reaction is - what are the indicators that make them decide there is less violence?

The second article was sent to me by my friend Jesse, who found it in the CNN website. It's a disturbing article discussing the report by my very own alma mater, Simon Fraser University, about how Canada is one of the worst polluters among industrialised states.

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions are two times higher, and major smog-causing air pollutants are two-to-three times higher than the average for other industrialized countries, according to the report by the international environment watchdog group.

Looks like there's a lot of work to do in Canada...and here I was all proud of Canada's environmental consciousness...

Read the article here.

Everyone asks me what I'll be doing after my grad year, and I'm not all too sure. Canada would be nice place to return to but jobs in this field are few. From a purely self-beneficial perspective, I hope these reports encourage more job creation, hence more opportunity for me in a year's time.

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