October 31, 2005

canada's environmental performance

Since the report about Canada's Environmental Record was published on the 18th October 2005 (which I briefly blogged about then), I've been disturbed that Canada is one of the worse polluters amongst the industrialised nations. The report shows that the government needs to implement much more environmentally-positive policies. But I also believe that if you're disappointed in Canada's ranking as well, you need not be an activist to make a difference. The report indicated that nine out of ten Canadians rate the environment as one of their top concerns in 2000. So if you're one of the nine, or even one in ten, read on for some tips.

Given that I have limited time, I will keep posting different tips. But to start with, let's talk about water use. Also, you could certainly download the Green Guide by the David Suzuki Foundation. But keep checking in, I'll be posting about waste reduction, energy saving and all the fun stuff that keeps the earth breathing.


Water is a very basic necessity in life. It quenches thirst, produces energy and food, and cleanses our bodies. Yet water is a source of such injustice - from environmental to social (more on this on a later date - some say the next war will be over water). But our concern for now is how to reduce the use of our water.

Some tips:
  • try to install water saving shower heads, spray heads etc
  • when brushing your teeth, turn off the tap. Either use a small glass or spurts of water when needed. Don't keep it running and you could save up to 4.5 liters of water.
  • fix dripping taps. In a week, a dripping tap could fill more than half the bathtub.
  • if you use the washing machine or the dishwasher, make sure they are full loads
  • reduce the use of clean water for lawns by collecting rainwater with buckets if possible
  • put a brick or stones, or a more sophisticated device made for cisterns, in the water cistern of the toilet to save water with every flush (such as the Water Hippo)
  • shower, don't take as many baths!
  • when washing vegetables, wash them in a bowl rather than under a running tap. You could also use the bowl of water to water your plants
That's all I have for now. Until next time.

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